Easily crop your images with a freehand tool for custom shapes.
Create custom image crops with the freehand cropping tool. Whether you're isolating specific areas, creating artistic shapes, or focusing on particular image elements, this tool offers complete flexibility to crop your images exactly how you want.
Easily crop your images freehand with this intuitive tool. Draw your own crop shape, adjust it to fit your design, and extract exactly what you need from any image. Perfect for creative projects, logos, and tailored photo edits.
With the Crop Image Freehand tool, you have the freedom to crop your images into any shape or size you desire. This tool is perfect for those looking to add a personal touch to their photos, allowing for creative, non-standard crops that make your images stand out.
X-Design’s AI delivers immediate improvements to your photos by automatically adjusting key elements, ensuring professional-quality results in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional photo editing tools.
While X-Design’s AI provides smart, automatic enhancements, you retain full control over the final outcome. Customize the details to match your exact vision, ensuring your image reflects your creative intentions.
X-Design streamlines the editing process, allowing you to achieve high-quality results faster. Whether you’re editing one image or many, the tool is designed to be fast and efficient, saving you valuable time without sacrificing quality.