Create stunning, custom backgrounds with ease and creativity.
Use our background creator tool to easily design stunning wallpapers. Access a vast photo library and professionally designed templates to create custom backgrounds for your home screen.
Use the background creator to create a wallpaper that fits your style. Edit photos, choose from free stock photos, and customize with wallpaper templates to create eye-catching designs.
Create the perfect wallpaper for your home screen using our background maker. Choose from free stock photos and wallpaper templates to design personalized backgrounds with professional photo editing tools.
Create personalized wallpapers in minutes with our background creator. Use photo editing tools, wallpaper templates, and a vast photo library to design backgrounds for any device or screen with ease.
Select the suggested AI background styles for a quick replacement
Describe your ideas in the prompt box if you have something specific in mind
Upload or drop an image that inspires you
The content aware algorithm is smart enough to recognize and adapt backgrounds to objects
Offers 500+ stylish preset backgrounds to perfectly match your images
Need something specific? Just describe your desired background, and let our AI generate it.